The results output of BISAR program is in the form of text, and its visual description uses a third-party software, while the results output of EverStressFE program can be directly shown in contour plot and 2D plot based on Dpolt Jr or in the form of text. In order to facilitate the visualization comparison between the two programs, third-party programs are used for the visualization processing of text results output. Under the traffic load, the mechanical responses of pavement structure, such as the pavement surface deflection value, the flexural-tensile strain, and the maximum vertical compression strain on the top of subgrade compared, are analyzed on the conditions of fully bonding and fully slipping of the interface between the base-surface layers.
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Elastic moduli of the pavement materials were obtained from the software FAARFIELD 1.42 (Federal Aviation Administration Rigid and Flexible Iterative Elastic Layered Design) (Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, DC, USA, 2017) [26].
Its verification process was carried out according to the elastic multilayer theory [27] with the software BISAR 3.0 (1998, Bitumen Business Group, Moscow, Russia) [32]. Mechanical characteristics of layers are listed in Table 11.