To change fov in multiplayer open CoDWaWmp.exe with a hex editor such as HxD.Go to address 004A3240 and change 82 42 to A0 42 for fov 80 or B4 42 for 90.(To get different values use a Floating Point Converter.)To do the same in singpleplayer open CoDWaW.exe with a hex editor such as HxD.Go to address 004AEF40 and change 82 42 to A0 42 for fov 80 or B4 42 for 90.(The difference is that solo and zombie map files themselves revert cg_fov back to 65change it back to 80 on spawn or use /bind W "+forward;cg_fov 80" as a workaround.)Please keep in mind that the hex edits do not work on the steam install as the codwaw.exe appears to be protected. Hex edits will result in a Error code 51 when attempting to launch.
CoDWaW LANFixed.exe
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