One difficulty with profane authors respecting Nimrod is that they have overlooked the fact that he possessed himself of the land of Asshur, or Assyria; and another is that one profane author, at some period, fell into the mistake of confounding the acts of Ninus with those of his father Nimrod, and others have copied the error. Like Rollin, we plant ourselves upon the Bible; our first knowledge of ancient history was obtained from that source. Where it speaks at all it is the rule by which all must be squared; where it is silent other creditable authorities are good; but that which is in direct conflict with it must be error. The Bible, as we have seen, sets forth the greatness of Nimrod so clearly that he who reads* * Hab. ii, 2.
LS Island-Land-Midsummer-Touch-Hots, Etc LS [9 Sets]l
The North Carolina Conference and those Conferences which have been set off by it have always shown a larger proportion of members to the number of ministers than other Southern Conferences. The reason for this is that in these Conferences the New England idea has been followed, which sets a high standard for the reception of ministers. In 1882 the East Alabama Conference had 140 ministers and 14,000 members, or 100 members to each minister. The Central North Carolina Conference had 100 ministers and 20,000 members, or 200 members to each minister. Four Conferences have been set off by the North Carolina Conference, as follows: The Tennessee, Virginia, South Carolina, and Central North Carolina. Out of the Central North Carolina the Western North Carolina has been formed; out of the South Carolina the Palmetto has been formed; and out of the Tennessee Conference the West Tennessee and Mississippi and the East Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina; and out of the West Tennessee and Mississippi, the South Mississippi, making in all nine Conferences that have sprung from the North Carolina Conference. The territory embraced in these Conferences (excepting Tennessee) formed the Third Episcopal District for several years, and has for the last ten years raised fully one half of all the general fund raised by the entire connection. The sons of the Carolina Conferences are scattered all over the connection, and are everywhere making their mark. The roll of the North Carolina Conference is as follows: 2ff7e9595c